Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

Bonsai trees are categorized by their slow growth and extraordinarily extensive life cycles, which also give a genuine and pleasant touch in gardens in which they are planted. They are very resistant to climate changes and their leaves have characteristics that allow them to remain always alive, surviving adversity and different environmental situations.

Summer: Bonsai Care

When summer arrives, it’s time to give special care to our trees; the way they care for bonsai and life depend on the length of them and our satisfaction with these. Here are some tips for caring your bonsai trees in the start of summer:

The main task is to maintain constant watering of your three; the high temperatures of the season generated more evaporation of water which must be maintained constant watering as the ambient temperature increases, thus ensuring soil moisture and leaves. It’s advisable to irrigate the bonsai at nightfall as the temperature is lower and keep the soil moist longer. You should leave the soil moist, not waterlogged or bonsai could be damaged; should also prompt attention put on earth during the day and not let it dry out completely ever.

You must keep the three with special fertilizer for them. There are two types of fertilizers, manure nutribonsai liquid which is dissolved in irrigation water and solid fertilizer, to be placed above the ground.

You must place the tree during the day outside in ventilated shady places but to avoid so that the leaves, which also must be watered with a spray bottle to keep them fresh burn.

If the needs of irrigation and nutrition of bonsai are met, there will not be major concerns and will remain in good condition in the wonderful summer.