Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

Christmas is approaching and it is common to see decorations of homes with Christmas plants that are never missing in these festivities. The Christmas plants give a special touch to the decoration of all Christmas-themed homes and are often found varieties of plants that are ideal for these holidays.

These plants usually decorate gardens and interiors of homes with the colors green and red, allusive to the Christmas and with a few cares they arrive to offer splendor in these dates and they are enjoyed by all the people.

Christmas plants to decorate the home

Fir: undoubtedly the main protagonist of Christmas, are found in many sizes and are usually decorated with lights and ornaments by families at home. For this tree to last all Christmas is important to keep it wet and avoid placing chemical elements such as artificial snow, in the pots should be placed some background stones to drain well the water and must be kept moist at all times.

Easter flower: very popular in the Christmas decorations thanks to its colors, should be kept close to a good source of light and be careful especially with children as their leaves cause irritations on the skin and if consumed you should go to a doctor. The irrigation should be directed to the pot and moderate.

Holly: is a shrub that is characterized by its intense leaf green leaves with thorns and red berries that should not be consumed as they affect the health of people. It should be planted in places where shade and light occasionally, preferably in acidic lands, humus rich and well drained, with moderate irrigation every 15 days.

Mistletoe: it is a plant of articulated stem and green color, with berries of white color pink and interior viscous and edible. Since its roots never touch the earth, it is known as a semi parasitic plant, appearing commonly in trees like apple trees, walnut trees, lime trees and pine trees.