Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

A pest is a group of animals that cause damage to the plant, animals and insects, spiders and even birds can devastate gardens. Not all pests cause the same damage to the garden, there are biting pests leaves and suck sap from plants, other pests that make holes in the foliage, trunk and branches and other eating leaves and fruit.

The types of pests that cause damage to gardens can be as varied as the plants themselves, a number of pests could be responsible for eating or kill plants, to eliminate garden pests is important to identify the pest and make a plan to eliminate them, why are some common pests in plants and properly dispose of them.

Garden pests and how to remove them

Aphids: better known as plant lice, are one of the most common pests in the garden, small and yellowish-green color, eat plants draining the sap through their mouthparts, they can be controlled by putting ladybugs in plants, as these feed on aphids, you can also spray the plants with insecticidal soap or a natural aerosol.

Snails and slugs: remain inactive during the day and come out to feed at night, eating tender leaves of young plants can be removed by placing tables near the plants and slugs and snails will hide under during the day and will be easier extract, can also be placed bowls of beer around the garden, snails are attracted to the smell of beer and drown in the bowls.

Japanese beetles: are harmful as larvae and as adults, feed on the leaves of garden flowers and vegetables. The most effective way to remove them is to remove them from the plants with your hands and place them in a container of soapy water, carefully reviewing the plants and repeating the process.