Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

The lack of nutrients in our plants carries a set of consequences ranging from the yellow color of the leaves, less production of flowers and fruits, less growth, etc. However, the number of minerals needed by the plant is so great that determining which one is missing can be considered a challenge for a gardener.

Plants need a series of nutrients that are found in different proportions in soils, this need for so many elements makes for an amateur gardener the main solution is to know what kind of soil we have and to provide fertilizers and combined fertilizers.

How to identify the lack of nutrients in plants

Lack of calcium: new leaves have malformations and existing ones remain green.

Lack of iron: the new leaves have a yellowish-white color with green ribbons; the already mature leaves remain green.

Nitrogen deficiency: the upper leaves of the plants are light green and the lower leaves are yellowish. Older leaves wither.

Lack of potassium: the edges of the leaves turn yellowish and with the passage of time begin to dry.

Lack of carbon dioxide: the leaves have white areas and their growth stops, with the advance of this lack of nutrients the plant dies.

Lack of manganese: yellow spots on the leaves of the plant and gaps in the ribs.

Lack of phosphorus: leaves have a darker opaque green color than normal that turns red or purple until leaf loss occurs.

Lack of magnesium: the lower leaves turn yellow to the inside and keep the ribs green.

With this data it is possible to make a diagnosis to the plants that allow knowing the deficiency of each plant and in this way to take the corresponding measures according to the case that is presented; a well-nourished plant will have a long life giving elegance to the garden.