Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

To perform ornamental pruning requires more patience and dedication than maintenance pruning, because when performing ornamental pruning what is sought is to create a work of art within nature, involving some varieties of plants and shrubs that have the Qualities necessary for this activity.

People who are starting out in the art of ornamental pruning can acquire plants with the basic geometric shapes in some gardening until they achieve the desired shape. Generally there are two groups of forms to choose from; the first are fantasy forms, where you can make figures such as animals or objects, the second is straight geometric figures, which are simpler to achieve.

How to perform ornamental pruning

Generally, to perform the ornamental pruning, the canopy of the tree or the entire bush is wrapped with a metal mesh or a wooden frame, so that when they emerge from this mesh about 10 cm, it will be cut so that it stays in the dimensions Of the frame. The cuttings and cuts will be made according to the direction of growth of the tree or shrub, having to cut about three or four times a year the longest.

The wires are used to direct the branches and in this way they will project a feeling that they are heading towards some vanishing point. We must always maintain the compact dimension of the plants we are going to mold.

The most common volumetries refer to animals, such as swans, dolphins, whales, dogs, etc. We also find simple cubic geometric shapes such as cylinders, tetrahedral, spheres or cubes. Depending on the person’s skill and experience, the quality and results of these works of art will be better or worse.

We must be aware, first of all, that if we are just starting out, it will be difficult to try to create impressive and great sculptures at the beginning, and we should start with simpler and smaller figures and evolve as we gain experience.