Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

By having an olive tree that begins to bear fruit the doubt about what to do arises as soon as the first shoots appear, the first thing to do is to detect the maturity of the fruits that can be denoted with the color of the olive. There are some countries such as Italy, France and some areas of Spain in which the fruits of the olive tree are grown, the olives, when they acquire their characteristic color and the fruit is juicy.

In other places, such as some villages in Italy, they wait for the fruit to fall on its own and they even rot and can deteriorate the quality of the oils, although for some culinary experts, this can be helpful for the kitchen, leaving a better quality in the final results.

The fruits of the olive tree

There is no particular date to harvest the olives, nor is there a set time to collect these fruits of the olive tree, however, in some places in Europe, especially in some parts of Spain begins the collection for the month of December and It extends between January and February and can last until mid-April if the fruits turn out to be very abundant.

So, it must be borne in mind that if you have an olive tree at home and you notice that it starts to bear fruit, you need to pay attention to the season, the dates on which the fruits of the olive tree begin to appear, which may be at the beginning of the season. Summer months and may mature during that period for collection in the autumn or winter.

When collecting

For their collection they can be dropped when they are ready or, as soon as they are juicy with an olive green tone, they can be removed from the shoots with the respective care, if possible the use of gloves and an appropriate pruning shears if necessary. They are easily extracted once they are mature.

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