Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

The botanical garden is a well-kept area that shows a wide range of plants labeled with their botanical names; they are a wonderful way of providing us places to admire not only indigenous native specimens but species from other parts of the world. It may contain specialized collections of plants from various parts of the world; there may be greenhouses, special collections, tropical plants, alpine plants and other exotic plants. Visitor services in a botanical garden usually include visits, educational exhibitions, art exhibitions, reading rooms, theatrical performances, musicals and other entertainments.

The Botanical gardens are often run by universities or other scientific research organizations and are often associated with herbaria and research programs in plant taxonomy or some other aspect of botanical science.

Role of a botanical garden

Mainly, its function is to maintain documented collections of live plants for scientific research, conservation, exhibition and education, although this will depend on available resources and the special interests that apply to each particular garden.

Its origin dates back to the medieval European gardens of medicinal use. This initial preoccupation of medicinal plants changed in the seventeenth century to an interest in importing new plants from outside Europe, and that is how botany gradually established its independence from medicine. In the eighteenth century nomenclature and classification were devised by botanists working in the herbaria and universities associated with botanical gardens.

It is known by all people the importance of plants in life of people, but also, like the rest of living beings, are an object of study, analyzed by different branches of biology where the most important is botany , Being considered the examination of the morphology, characteristics and until the evolution and adaptation that have reached many of these species and varieties to be able to subsist in the world that surrounds us.