Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

Plant in shady gardens is not impossible even though light is very important to plants; it does not mean that you cannot have plants that stay healthy throughout the year and decorating your outdoor space under the shade. There are many types of plants and shrubs that can be plant in shady, perennial, flowering, non-flowered, shrub gardens, etc. And do not require much maintenance.

What to plant in shady gardens?

Astilbe: its flowers look like feathers of colors and the leaves remember those of the ferns. They can be found in shades of pink, white, red and mauve. They are ideal for semi-shaded areas or near ponds and require rich and somewhat moist terrain.

Browallia: belongs to the Solanaceae family, it is an annual plant that blooms in blue or white shades producing star-shaped flowers. The ideal place for her is a warm shade, with filtered light.

Begonia: perennial plant that can be found with flowers in almost all shades except blue. There are varieties erect, with large flowers, and creeping varieties, ideal for hanging, but somewhat smaller flowers. They like the humidity so you have to get wet ground and some humidity.

Cóleo: although the flowers of this plant lack ornamental value, the leaves are a real jewel. They exist in a wide range of colors emphasizing the orange, red and yellow. For shaded areas the ideals are bright browns and greens. It is advisable to clamp the branches from time to time so that they grow dense and vigorous.

Abutillon: also known as flower maple by the shape of its leaves reminiscent of those of maples. It is a perennial shrub that can be planted directly on land can reach up to 5 meters in height.

Brunfelsia pauciflora: The origin of this plant is the Brazilian forests. When they appear the flowers are purple, as the days go by their clarity becomes clear and mauve until they finally turn white before falling.