Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

Macrobonsai are larger trees or plants than conventional bonsai, but are usually smaller than trees that grow normally in an ecosystem. These are commonly in gardens and large patios.

It avoids its great growth using the technique of elimination and selection of buds, pruning and wiring of some branches to control and restrict too vigorous sprouting. These trees have a very slow rate of growth and they can live for many years.

When buying a macrobonsai

Macrobonsais can be purchased in nurseries and fields directly. In the same way there are companies or businesses that are dedicated to the sale of macrobonsai, generally this type of companies or online businesses that offer a wide catalog to appreciate all the available models and in this way.

How to carry out a macrobonsai?

Its transport is usually simple and cannot reduce the chances of plant damage. Although macrobonsai are usually easy to obtain, they are already available to all public, you should follow a series of recommendations to buy a macrobonsai and these recommendations for daily care are the following:

It is very important to have these macrobonsai in places that have good drainage, and that their trunk is very wide and its height between 1 to 1.5 meters; many of the species come from the Mediterranean region with characteristics such as long live and very resistance to climate changes and very long droughts including arid conditions.

As a recommendation, they have never seen more than the excess of water, the roots, but they have not let themselves go through it either, the flowers and the fruits were cut according to the type and the way they were you should put it in danger in the place where it was only received and that can be harmful if it does not have some shade in the hours of the day