Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

The beautiful city of Tarragona is known for its beautiful coastlines and fantastic landscapes where it is a good idea to have a house with a spacious garden, and of course as a centerpiece of an imposing garden could not miss the inclusion of a formidable olive tree. These ancestral trees can give a touch of rustic history to your garden so it is worth studying the simple process to buy a millenary olive tree.


Millenary olive trees are resistant to transport

Millenary olive trees are trees renowned for their incredible resistance to difficult conditions, as they can withstand the coldest winter months in the same way as they can withstand arduous droughts without faltering so they can withstand unfavorable seasons, additionally although the olive trees are of really large trunks their roots are small in size so preparing them to change them to another place is not such a complicated task.


Why do we have to buy millenary olive trees in specialized stores?

Millenary olive trees are protected by the Valencian Community Law of Monumental Trees, which was approved in 2006 with the purpose of stopping the traffic of old olive trees that were taken from the communities to be sold to the highest bidder. That is why when it comes to acquiring millenary olive trees it is best to go to specialized stores that are dedicated to its growth for generations.

Many of these shops run through the internet, offering extensive catalogs of ancient olive trees that can be picked and transported to Tarragona without any problems in a short time. Macrobonsai is one of the certified brands as producers of ornamental olives and bonsai where you can comfortably order the bonsai you want and include the process of sending it to your home or business