Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

The landscape of Tarragona is known for its exuberant beauty, beautiful coastlines and rich history that transform it without doubts into an ideal location to visit. The climate of this region is ideal for the abundance of different crops where one of the most common is the cultivation of olive trees, so it is a great place to find a millennial olive tree nursery, those ancestral trees that today may be the oldest beings still alive. We invite you to learn more about this beautiful practice.


The dedication of a nursery of ancient olive trees

The olives are trees with great longevity thanks to their slow metabolism, this means they grow very little every year and in this way can reach a long life expectancy, additionally they are characterized by their resistance to the most difficult climates for which they are easy to conserve, the complicated thing of course is to be able to have so many millenary olive trees given how complicated it is to raise them for so long.

In Tarragona, olive plantations have been maintained for generations and it is thanks to them that they have been able to create millenary olive trees nurseries that are capable of offering a whole catalog of different specimens so that people can access the possibility of caring for one of these imposing trees.

A work of generations

The culture of the region of Tarragona and the emotional attachment of whole families have made possible the creation of any nursery of ancient olive trees, it is a commitment that requires hundreds of years for what is a truly respectable work that is being tried to keep in special with the new generations where the agrarian trade is not so attractive. It must support the nurseries of millennial olive trees and seek to stop the illegal sale of these formidable trees.