Do you have a lawned garden and want it to look well-kept, beautiful and lush? It is essential that your garden receives the necessary care so that the lawn grows healthy and strong. For this, it is essential that in addition to giving vitamins and nutrients, from time to time, you contribute oxygen to the lawn, so that it reaches the roots properly and improves their development.
If your lawn grows more in warmer times, that is to say during the summer months, the most advisable thing is to air it in the last period of spring or at the beginning of summer. The types of grass with warm growth are buffalo, San Agustín and vermuda. In case it grows in the autumn and winter months, in cold times, you will have to aerate it so that it can recover just one month before the frost period. The most common are lolium, fescue or blue grass.
Another trick to know whether or not you should aerate your lawn is to take into account how you use it. That is, if you usually drive on it or step on it often, it is more advisable to air it once a year, so you will avoid that the earth compacts too much. If you have just planted it, you will have to wait more than a year, so you will let it grow healthy and leafy.
• Mechanical: This method uses a motorized machine perfect for large areas of grass. Its nail system helps to quickly make holes in the ground that will favor the entry of air and water.
• Manual: the manual system is ideal for small gardens. You can use a type of cylinder or skewers. Both help pierce the earth to supply it with oxygen and food.
Once you have selected the type of machine that you will use to aerate the lawn, you must prepare the soil, so that this process is more effective. Therefore we recommend you clean and cut the grass. In this way, you will allow the soil to be more prepared, without elements that hinder the entry of oxygen and nutrients.
Next, you should check the soil moisture. If you notice that it is too dry, due to weather changes, you should water the soil a few days before proceeding to aeration. Think that the wet soil is softer, so you can work better with drills, whether manual or mechanical.
With all this, it is time to air the lawn. Put the aeration tool that you are going to use in one of the corners of your garden. You must pass the drill following rows in a straight line, throughout the lawn, so that it is uniform. For the hardest areas, it will be enough to pass the aerator a couple of times; for the softer ones once will be enough. In case you need to make deeper holes to better aerate your garden, we advise you to pass the drill in the opposite direction through the hardest section
Finally, once you have finished drilling, you must supply the soil with fertilizers. To grow new, healthy grass, sprinkle peat, compost, sand, or other chemical fertilizers. Thanks to the holes these nutrients will be absorbed much better and together with the air, they will make the roots sprout more strongly.