Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

Allelopathy is a biological phenomenon by which an organism produces one or more biochemical compounds that influence the growth, survival or reproduction of other plants, these compounds are known as chemical alleles and can lead to beneficial effects depending on pest control or Harmful effects to plants inhibiting the development and even the germination of the seeds.

Uses of allelopathy in agriculture

Companion plants: they provide a mutual benefit with other plants. This positive association can influence from the germination of the seeds, growth and development of the plant, to the final taste and aroma of the vegetables obtained.

Repellent plants: plants with a strong aroma that serve to keep insects away from the main crop. There are those that repel an insect in concrete and others can protect from different pests. They can be planted between the crop, protecting some plants in concrete, or bordering the garden as a protective barrier, covering its effect an area that can be 10 meters away.

Trap Crops: These are plants chosen to attract harmful insects away from the main crop. These plants are planted in the perimeter of the crop to be protected by removing harmful insects from it or intercalating the plants to concentrate the pests and to catch and eliminate them. Another way to use trap plants is to help reproduce parasites or predators of pests that attack the garden.

the Garlic, chili, basil, chamomile, marjoram, mint and radish are just some plants that can benefit your organic gardens in different ways, either by enhancing their growth or by treating different pests that affect crops. The use of allelopathy for the control of pests and diseases in plants is beneficial in every way, ensures a quality cultivation and sustainable in the long term, gives liveliness and diversity to our orchard.