Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

An attractive option for indoor plants is artificial light, for plants, the light is necessary, without it cannot properly perform the process of photosynthesis and it is very normal that most homes have indoor plants. Although not all plants should receive constant light, it is important that they be carried occasionally according to their conditions.

Artificial light for plants

Artificial light for plants is an excellent way to replace the lack of light indoors. Sunlight although a simple sight cannot see with miles of colors and is of great importance in the development of the plant. The red colors in the light stimulate the growth of the plant and its flowering and violet color, is essential for its growth, these two colors being the most important for plants.

To choose the correct artificial light for plants you must take into account the type of plant that cultivate is going to, the best option is a crop of plants that require similar light conditions.

Amongst different bulbs, fluorescent lights are better than incandescent ones, white lights are excellent for plants that require white and blue light, warm white ones are ideal for plants requiring red and orange light. You can also get full spectrum lights that emit all light colors, making them ideal for most plants.

If a large number of plants are grown for the ideal is high intensity light discharge lamps, these are of high quality and efficiency for plants and emitting all types of light, also consume little amount of energy, the only detail It is usually more expensive.

Proper care of plants will ensure their proper growth, avoiding pests and diseases that seriously affect, in addition to the environment inside the home will be more pleasant thanks to a plant in optimal conditions purifies the air inside the home bringing freshness and eliminating odors.