Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

As time passes it becomes more common to see body gardens homes artificial turf, the turf has become an alternative to natural grass because it allows people to save money and time on care and maintenance, remaining green for all year. Artificial turf can be found in various shapes and models and sight looks like natural grass, being an attractive when creating outdoor spaces and gardens option.

Advantages of artificial turf

Models and features artificial turf

Among the models of artificial turf that can be found on the market, those of functional and decorative type.

The functional artificial turf is suitable for balconies and terraces, as well as commercial use of low traffic. Is the most economical model has a height of 5 to 9 mm, between the lawn functional types are those who do not have drainage and yes, which have a drainage capacity of about 30 liters per minute subway square.

Decorative artificial turf is suitable for gardens, parklands, sports complexes, terraces, etc. It has a look of freshly pruned with great smoothness and density lawn, gives the feeling of being in a natural lawn freshness and comfort. You can find up to 20 to 40 mm pile height and has a drainage capacity of about 60 liters per minute per square meter.

Over time, the appearance of artificial turf has improved while its price has dropped, therefore, is becoming more used when outdoor gardens decorate and create alternative.