Due to the small size of many flats and apartments today, your house may not fit a large Christmas tree that is more than a meter high and almost a meter wide because you do not have a hole to put it.
If this is your situation, here we suggest that you buy a nice bonsai and Christmas decoration accessories of the smallest size you can find because bonsai is going to become the perfect alternative for your home
If you choose as a Christmas tree the option of buying a bonsai, in the market you can find them in all sizes and prices, we can find them from € 5 to really high prices like € 1,000 or more, depending on how old they are, the size and how delicate the species of the tree is.
When you have already bought your bonsai in a florist, nursery or greenhouse, you can change it pot and decorate the area around the tree with green branches, mistletoe, colored balls, moss, etc. to accompany it.
Remember that you should not leave the tree near any source of heat, such as stoves or fireplaces and if you are not experts in the care of bonsai, I do not recommend that you become fond of it since they are very delicate and will surely die after the holidays Christmas, but you will have had a tree tailored to your home for about € 10-20 including decoration and everything … not bad, right?
In this way, we will have achieved the traditional Christmas tree at an ideal size for our home and for very little money.