Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

The correct location of outdoor bonsai is not usually easy since certain factors must be taken into account such as the local climate, the tree species, and season, among other factors to determine the place where there is a balance and develop with normal bonsai. Some of the advice of care for outdoor bonsais are the following:

In the case of summer, it is advisable to change the orientation of the bonsai so that it does not affect the sun when the hours of highest radiation are. If shade is not available for the summer season, specifically at noon or in the afternoon it should be covered with a hat mesh to prevent moisture from evaporating from the earth.

Bonsai outdoors during the year

Another way to avoid the loss of moisture in summer is by placing green moss in the container or pot. The recommendations for bonsais outdoors in the winter season is to place the bonsai inside the home or establishment to avoid frost and low temperatures affect it, they are placed in a place in the interior where there is no heating but an environment as possible natural where you receive the most amount of sun possible. In this period, a structural pruning of bonsai can be carried out.

Winds and attentions

If there are strong winds outside, it is advisable to perform the irrigation more consistently, although if they are extremely strong winds it is recommended to protect the bonsai in some way to prevent the fall of these or its branches or leaves.

The winds that most affect bonsai outdoors are those of the north and those of the east. The advantage of having strong winds in the environment is that bonsai are hardly attacked by pests or infected by diseases caused by fungi.