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When it comes to growing a bonsai, whatever the species, it is extremely important to carry out a series of care. Otherwise, the process will not be successful and your little tree may die.

Despite the fact that the olive tree is a resistant species, it will need a series of specific care to develop without any problem.

The perfect growing conditions are related to watering, pruning or pinching.

Do not worry if you do not know what we are talking about or do not understand any of these requirements, below, you will find each one of them explained in detail.

The location, better exterior

When it comes to locating a bonsai, it should not be done lightly. The place of planting will depend on the type of species it is.

In the case of the olive tree, it is an outdoor tree that requires a lot of sunlight to develop properly. In addition, as it is a Mediterranean plant, it supports high temperatures (it does not tolerate repeated frosts).

If you decide to place it indoors, do it near a window through which a lot of light passes. Otherwise, the growth will not be as it should (the distance between the nodes increases).

The best location is on terraces, balconies and gardens.


When the olive bonsai is in full rooting, the amount of water that is supplied must be reduced. Being without roots, they cannot fulfill their absorption function.

This species will need more water when it is at the beginning of the new budding.

The land should be allowed to dry slightly between watering and watering. Olive trees do not tolerate waterlogging, so an excess of water can be critical. In addition, the irrigations must be spaced.

The substrate

It is not demanding when it comes to the substrate in which it is planted. But one of the conditions that it must meet is that it has to drain the water well, as we have said in the previous section, it does not tolerate flooding.

Prefers a 100% akadama substrate.

It is best to use a simple substrate, prepared for bonsai. It doesn’t survive in acidic soils, so be sure not to plant it in this type of soil.


The olive bonsai fertilizer must be abundant.

For your plant to grow healthy and strong, you must fertilize it from the beginning of spring (March-April) until October with a specific fertilizer for bonsai. As we always say, when in doubt, analyze the packaging or ask a professional.


In the case of the olive tree, as it is a Mediterranean species, it is advisable to prune it at the end of winter. If you live in colder regions, prune the olive tree at the end of March.

If you carry out a strong and energetic pruning, the sapling will respond with the growth of very vigorous shoots.

You can also perform maintenance pruning and remove the parts that you see are in poor condition, such as withered leaves.

The wiring

Wiring is the fundamental technique for modeling and styling bonsai trees.

This process will take place between spring and autumn, always protecting the bark of the tree. The most recommended is to wire the young branches, because in a couple of weeks they will be placed in the proper position.


The olive bonsai should be transplanted from time to time, being the most recommended every 2 years. As it is an easy-rooting tree, this process will not pose a problem for the species.

The pot change should be done in spring, just before the strong growth period begins.

The substrate used should be a mixture of mulch, peat and sand. If you do not have these materials, you can use the akadama.

At the same time that you transplant the olive bonsai, you can remove the parts that are in poor condition, such as rotten roots or wilted leaves (maintenance pruning).

And so far our new gardening article. We hope that it has been of great help to you, consult our website macrobonsai.com