Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

Indoor bonsai care

Cuidados del bonsái en interiores

Bonsai are usually used for decorating gardens, however, they are usually so striking for their leaves, structure, size, shape, among other characteristics that are also often used for interior decoration. It is very important to bear in mind that indoor bonsai require a lot of care since they are not in their natural environment, which […]

Gardening tips in summer

Consejos de jardinería en verano

The olive tree is a tree of evergreen and are usually one of the most resistant plants, however, that does not mean that you should neglect the tree because it also requires special care at times of the year as strong as summer. Some gardening tips for the olive tree in summer are: The olive […]

How to care for an olive tree

¿Cómo cuidar un olivo?

While it is true that olive trees are very resistant to the worst conditions of the ground, these require a series of care to avoid damage. Taking into account some recommendations to care for an olive tree ensures its maintenance over the years and its longevity. Types of pruning The pruning of the olive tree […]

How to fertilize an olive tree

¿Cómo abonar un olivo?

The fertilizer is an organic or inorganic substance that provides nutrients to the plants that soil alone does not provide. To fertilize an olive tree is used a substance that can be made based on nitrogen, potassium, calcium, manure, worms, fruit waste, among other elements; The truth is that the mixture of some of these […]

Qualities of the evergreen olive leaf

Cualidades de la hoja perenne del olivo

Evergreen trees, such as the olive tree, are characterized by keeping their leaves throughout the year, that is, it is very difficult for the tree to lose all its leaves at the same time as it is gradually renewed throughout the year, while some leaves fall others grow. The evergreen olive leaf measures about 8 […]

Protect the fruit of the olive tree after its extraction

Proteger el fruto del olivo luego de su extracción

The fruit of the olive tree, both the centenary and the millenary is the olive and from it is extracted an oil that is marketed as «olive oil», this is used for different purposes depending on the country and the need of consumers. It is important to know the importance of protect the fruit of […]

Can an olive tree be transplanted?

¿Se puede trasplantar un olivo?

The transplant of an olive tree can be done, but a series of factors must be taken into account before transplanting it to avoid the death of the specimen. The factors and recommendations that should be taken into account to transplant an olive tree should be followed closely at all times during the procedure. When […]

How to protect olive trees before a storm

Cómo proteger olivos ante una tormenta

The olive tree is a tree capable of adapting to different types of weather, however, it is necessary to follow a series of recommendations for its care and be able to resist climate changes as strong as a storm. To protect olive trees It is important to take into account that there are currently no […]

Where an olive tree should be planted?

¿Dónde se debe plantar un olivo?

The planting of an olive tree can be done on terraces or terraces with minimal erosion and possible water loss, in ridges, level cures, in soils with a good surface profile for cultivation, but with drainage difficulties. To plant an olive tree, several suitable procedures are usually done for a perfect result. Recommendations when planting […]

Which are the bonsai easier to care for?

Currently there are different types of bonsai, but there are some that are easier to care for, cultivate and handle without damaging them. Some of the factors, characteristics or recommendations that should be taken into account to know for making a bonsai easier to care for are the following: One of the recommendations if you […]