What to do if a millenary olive tree becomes ill

There is doubt about whether the millenary olive tree can get sick, unfortunately like all living beings, there are some external agents that can cause diseases in the olive tree and it is important to identify them and know how to treat them in time so that they heal soon and can recover from these […]
Maintenance of the land so that the centenary olive tree lives healthily

When buying an olive tree for the garden should take into account some tips to prepare the ground so that the tree adapts to the selected land and remains healthy; In addition to meticulous details on how to prepare the land and how it should be the maintenance of the land in general to have […]
How to protect an olive tree from the cold December

A Centennial Olive Tree is a tree that is found mainly in Southern Europe. Due to its antiquity it is considered a sacred tree being called in some regions as a symbol of peace and life. It is also coveted for its fruits, its exotic natural beauty and its resistance to the various climatic changes […]
What is a centenarian olive tree?

A centenarian olive tree is a variety of tree highly extended throughout all the Mediterranean and receives its tittle of centenary because they are specimens that thanks to its slow rate of growth are able to live a lot more than even thousands of years remaining formidably firm to the passage of the years. They […]
How to trim centenary trees?
The centenary olive trees are beautiful plants that have been widely scattered throughout the Mediterranean and are the source of the famous Olive oil witch also is really used as important ingredient in the Mediterranean food. As they are commonly used for the cultivation of its fruits, they are also considerate a decorative tree thanks […]
When to trim millenary olive trees?

The millenary olive trees are formidable trees original from the Mediterranean that have become really popular thanks to the delicious oil that is obtained from their fruit, as well as its aesthetic imposing and robust appearance. It is a tree known for its slow growth which generally allows the individuals to reach really advanced ages […]
How to trim a giant bonsai?

Giant bonsai or olive bonsai are beautiful trees that look like classic miniature bonsai, these plants are ideal to be planted in warm and sunny climates, their slow growth rate and small roots make them very durable trees capable of withstanding really hard seasons of drought. Being a tree used ornamentally in most of the […]
Types of bulbs

The bulbs are plants that during their first days of life do not offer a great attraction; however, they hide spectacular flowers that fill our gardens with color and life. They are ephemeral plants, of short flowering and easy cultivation, ideal to begin to cultivate a garden. Are characterized by having an underground structure that […]
Growing Bulbs

The bulbs are underground organs of some plants, which store stored nutrients during the cold seasons of the year, to be used in the sprouting of new stems during spring or summer. Bulbs are usually underground, but they are not roots, they are stems that have evolved differently, but they retain all their parts. If […]
Fertilizers during autumn

The arrival of autumn can be used to carry out a series of works in a garden, in order to help the plants to overcome the demands of the cold seasons and to arrive strong, healthy and with excellent color to the spring. One of these tasks is the application of fertilizers to replace the […]