Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

Maintenance of the olive trees in the gardens

Maintenance of the olive trees in the gardens

The maintenance of the olive trees seems somewhat complicated if you only observe this impressive ancient tree; however, its characteristics allow anyone to take care of him in any garden without many complications. The olive trees are trees belonging to the family of alliaceous reach a height of about four meters in their adulthood and […]

Basic tasks of gardening

Tareas básicas de la jardinería

Performing the basic tasks of gardening is paramount to maintaining a garden full of life and health. Irrigation, sowing or pruning are some of the basic tasks on which to investigate and know their secrets in order to offer plants everything they need to live and develop in good conditions and every good gardener must […]

How to transplant plants

Como trasplantar plantas

Transplant plants are a key part of keeping them healthy. When a plant grows too large for its current container, its roots can be damaged or suffocated, resulting in slower growth and unhealthy appearance. To avoid these damages, you should transplant the plants from their current pot to a larger one. Although this process is […]

How to keep flower vases

Como mantener las flores de los floreros

Keeping flower vases is essential for them to remain beautiful for longer, sometimes even the most beautiful bouquet deteriorates in a few days, causing the ornament to lose its splendor. With a series of tricks you can keep the flowers alive longer. How to keep flower vases Flower vases are often kept only by changing […]

Plants that do not cause allergies

Plantas que no provocan alergias

With spring the plants bloom and the levels of pollen in the air are triggered causing allergies. For some people it is normal to suffer pollinosis during this stage of plants to a greater or lesser degree. In addition to spring pollen there are other elements that produce allergic reactions such as mites. When an […]

How to identify the lack of nutrients in plants

Como identificar la falta de nutrientes en las plantas

The lack of nutrients in our plants carries a set of consequences ranging from the yellow color of the leaves, less production of flowers and fruits, less growth, etc. However, the number of minerals needed by the plant is so great that determining which one is missing can be considered a challenge for a gardener. […]

Nutrients for hydroponic plants

Nutrientes para plantas hidropónicas

The nutrients for hydroponic plants are not different from the required by cultivated soil plants. Some of the most important are the carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. The first three are present in the air and water. Taking care of your hydroponic plants is like ensuring that you give them a balanced diet. Are divided into […]

How to protect plants from rain

Como proteger las plantas de la lluvia

Rain usually appears during the fall and spring. The rain that usually falls in these seasons can be sudden and virulent, throwing down the plant work of a whole year. If the precipitation is torrential, the force with which the drops fall could be able to completely destroy delicate specimens. The lack of foresight is […]

Allelopathy and its applications

La alelopatía y sus aplicaciones

Allelopathy is a biological phenomenon by which an organism produces one or more biochemical compounds that influence the growth, survival or reproduction of other plants, these compounds are known as chemical alleles and can lead to beneficial effects depending on pest control or Harmful effects to plants inhibiting the development and even the germination of […]

When to water the plants

Cuando se debe regar las plantas

Water the plants is of vital importance since plants are like people, throughout their life requires special care as well as humans need to drink, plants too, that some plants do not require a frequent watering. If a plant is not watered properly it will begin to wither and may suffer leaf fall. On the […]