Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

Weed control in the lawn

Control de malas hierbas en el césped

No one likes to admire their garden and find weed. They make your garden look sloppy and ugly, so many people are dedicated to eliminating them and making sure they do not grow back. There are many ways to get rid of these pests. You can eliminate weeds with preventative maintenance and the use of […]

How to choose the first bonsai?

¿Cómo elegir el primer bonsái?

When purchasing the first bonsai, you should consider some aspects that will help maintain it properly for a long time. For lovers of gardening it is unavoidable to fall in love with these wonderful trees at some point. Bonsai are a beautiful expression of gardening art in which the owner cultivates, cares and forms the […]

How to protect plants from cold

Como proteger las plantas del frio

Protect plants from cold is important during the winter, when we grow a garden we usually think of seeing it fresh, picturesque and full of flowers in sunny and hot times, in addition most plants live and bloom is during spring and summer . Outdoor plants, especially those grown in pots suffer during the winter […]

Artificial light for plants

Luz artificial para plantas

An attractive option for indoor plants is artificial light, for plants, the light is necessary, without it cannot properly perform the process of photosynthesis and it is very normal that most homes have indoor plants. Although not all plants should receive constant light, it is important that they be carried occasionally according to their conditions. […]

Growing plants in pots

Growing plants in pots is not a difficult task; it is practical when there is not enough space in the house for a garden or have a tarmac rather than dirt floor terrace. Plants grown in pots need more watering, transplants, root cuttings, pruning and constantly preventive treatments. Should use containers that are well adapted […]

Aromatic plants for the garden

Aromatic plants for the garden

For thousands of years people have used aromatic plants as a means of perfumes for homes and offerings. Aromatic plants can be seen around the world and are of different sizes, colors and aromas. Having aromatic plants in the gardens can be of great benefit as these plants are usually a source of delicious aromas […]

How to create an orchard at home


Grow an orchard is a job that is normally attributed to a farmer, but the truth is not so difficult if we have some light at home open space and a little patience. An orchard turns out to be an attractive and economical way to get good quality vegetables throughout the year. It is known […]

Fertilizers for garden

Fertilizantes para el jardín

All plants require a number of minerals and elements obtained through land and air in order to grow healthily. These nutrients can be added to the soil as fertilizer, if we consider some measures of nutrition for plants will grow healthily, giving a good flowering and harvesting as well as being resistant to some pests […]

Centennial olive tree care during cold seasons

Cuidados del olivo centenario durante temporadas frías

The olive tree is a tree of great importance around the Mediterranean, very popular in Spain, being able to find about 250 varieties of this spice. The olive tree is a tree of the family Oleacea which has thin leaves perennial type and twisted trunk, these qualities make it relatively resistant to adverse weather conditions […]

Origin of Bonsai

Origin of Bonsai

Bonsai trees offer qualities that attract the eye and imagination of people because of their size, beauty and similarity to any tree that can be found in nature. These wonderful trees are grown by special techniques that make them grow in size and miniature obtaining the desired shape. Bonsai is a Japanese word meaning tray […]