Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

Bonsai care outdoors

Cuidados de bonsáis en exteriores

The correct location of outdoor bonsai is not usually easy since certain factors must be taken into account such as the local climate, the tree species, and season, among other factors to determine the place where there is a balance and develop with normal bonsai. Some of the advice of care for outdoor bonsais are […]

Indoor bonsai care

Cuidados del bonsái en interiores

Bonsai are usually used for decorating gardens, however, they are usually so striking for their leaves, structure, size, shape, among other characteristics that are also often used for interior decoration. It is very important to bear in mind that indoor bonsai require a lot of care since they are not in their natural environment, which […]

Gardening tips in summer

Consejos de jardinería en verano

The olive tree is a tree of evergreen and are usually one of the most resistant plants, however, that does not mean that you should neglect the tree because it also requires special care at times of the year as strong as summer. Some gardening tips for the olive tree in summer are: The olive […]

How to fertilize an olive tree

¿Cómo abonar un olivo?

The fertilizer is an organic or inorganic substance that provides nutrients to the plants that soil alone does not provide. To fertilize an olive tree is used a substance that can be made based on nitrogen, potassium, calcium, manure, worms, fruit waste, among other elements; The truth is that the mixture of some of these […]

The olive tree in gardening

El olivo en la jardinería

Gardening is the art of a trade that applies a set of techniques and practices to plan, perform, recover and preserve gardens. The gardening applied to plants like the olive tree for its maintenance, care and growth requires a series of indispensable techniques for great results. The olive tree in gardening depends on the pruning, […]

Origin of the olive tree

Origen del olivo

According to ancient data the olive comes from the Mesopotamian region and expanded to Europe through Phoenicians and Greeks.This tree from its origin has had a close relationship with the sacred, mythological and even magical world since the Egyptians attributed to the Goddess Isis the merit of teaching how to cultivate; In the same way, […]

What to do if a millenary olive tree becomes ill

Qué hacer si un olivo milenario enferma

There is doubt about whether the millenary olive tree can get sick, unfortunately like all living beings, there are some external agents that can cause diseases in the olive tree and it is important to identify them and know how to treat them in time so that they heal soon and can recover from these […]

Cómo proteger los olivos centenarios de los cambios climáticos


Los olivos centenarios son un tipo de árbol considerado ancestral y majestuoso que representa grandes símbolos como la virtud y la fortaleza. Se llaman centenarios porque logran vivir más de 100 años por eso su importancia en el mundo, han logrado pasar por muchos cambios en el planeta y sobrevivir, por eso proteger los olivos […]

Consejos para comprar un olivo milenario


Cuando se compra un árbol de este tipo se deben tener en cuenta detalles importantes no solo para el cuidado sino para escoger el olivo milenario que mejor se adapte, con el fin de hacer una compra virtuosa que beneficie el look de hogar y decore a la perfección el jardín. Un olivo milenario es […]

Cómo saber la edad de un olivo milenario


Esta especie de árboles son considerados de gran abundancia y fortuna, son ejemplares realmente grandes en tamaño, los cuales son apreciados por su belleza y majestuosidad. Son de copa frondosa que cubre gran espacio y sirve de sombra en jardines, además de dar hogar a pequeñas aves. El olivo milenario es de gran importancia puesto […]