Everything you need to know about millenary olive trees

It is incredible to get on the planet species that have managed to surpass the great climatic changes and to survive conditions, historical stages and thousands of risks. Trees are one of the species that best represent the longevity and majesty of life on the planet, as is the case of millenary olive trees, which […]
How often watering a centennial olive tree

Centennial olive trees are excellent for decorating gardens and open spaces, according to traditions they bring good fortune and represent strength. Because they manage to withstand climatic changes very well and adapt in all types of terrain, even in arid and dry conditions, it is a tree that can last between 100 and 200 years. […]
Consejos para comprar un olivo milenario

Cuando se compra un árbol de este tipo se deben tener en cuenta detalles importantes no solo para el cuidado sino para escoger el olivo milenario que mejor se adapte, con el fin de hacer una compra virtuosa que beneficie el look de hogar y decore a la perfección el jardín. Un olivo milenario es […]
Tips for buying a millenary olive tree

When buying a tree of this type should take into account important details not only for the care but to choose the olive tree that best suits, in order to make a virtuous purchase that benefits the look of home and decorate to perfection the garden. A millenary olive is the ideal option for those […]
Tips for buying a centennial olive tree

Centennial olive trees are trees that provide fortune, are considered ancestral and have many years on the planet. They live up to 200 years and have very strong characteristics that lead them to endure arid climates and thanks to their fruits and flowers are excellent for decorating gardens and large patios. When buying a centennial […]
How to take care of a centennial olive tree

Having a centennial olive tree represents great abundance and fortune for a garden, to buy one you can browse on the internet and discover many options or go to a nursery specialized in this class of olive trees. If already this tree is part of your garden, it is ideal to take into account small […]
How to know the age of a millenary olive tree

This species of trees are considered of great abundance and fortune, they are really great in size, this type of trees are appreciated by its beauty and majesty. They are of leafy glass that covers great space and serves as shade in gardens, besides giving home to small birds. The millenary olive tree is of […]
Cómo saber la edad de un olivo milenario

Esta especie de árboles son considerados de gran abundancia y fortuna, son ejemplares realmente grandes en tamaño, los cuales son apreciados por su belleza y majestuosidad. Son de copa frondosa que cubre gran espacio y sirve de sombra en jardines, además de dar hogar a pequeñas aves. El olivo milenario es de gran importancia puesto […]
Centennial olive trees for garden decoration

Gardens are used for outdoor activities such as drinking tea, meeting area for friends, playground for children and many other recreational activities. The ideal is to have a space where people can also relax, where flowers and decorative plants can grow; a space at home that should be everyone’s favorite. For gardens decoration should be […]
Ancient olive trees for garden decoration

Millenary olive trees are trees recognized for their truly rustic appearance and historical significance, since it is a living being that has endured for hundreds of years on foot. Olive trees have been a source of food thanks to the fruit they produce: Olive, more nowadays have become popular as an alternative for garden decoration […]