Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

Benefits of olive tree

Benefits of olive tree

For thousands of years the olive tree has been part of the lives of people and has become a tree of great importance throughout the Mediterranean. Since Egyptian times and the benefits that brought this great tree and was used by people as a source of food and health were known. In addition to the […]

Know the different olive trees that Macrobonsai has for you

Conoce los distintos olivos que MacroBonsai tiene para ti

Macrobonsai.com (i Iberplant gardening supplies, S.L.) is a company dedicated to the cultivation and sale of olive trees in bonsai style. With over 25 years of experience in the market, Macrobonsai offers people a wide range of products and advice when choosing the right olive tree; also it offers service and all the trees are […]

Adult bonsai care

Cuidados de bonsáis adultos

Over the years, care and growing bonsai trees has given rise to different methods of care that meet the physical and artistic requirements of this wonderful tree. All the trees that are grown in pots or small containers, thereby preventing their growth and obtaining the form of miniature tree by a special pruning are known […]

Two initial steps: how to design a garden with bonsai trees

Paso a paso como diseñar un jardín con árboles bonsái

Bonsai trees are of great taste and appeal to all people and cultures. These are small trees that require a lot of patience and time to be planted, as they are normal trees; what makes bonsai is the way pruned to make them grow in small pots and result in a small tree. The gardens […]

The culture behind the centenary olive tree

La cultura detrás del olivo centenario

The olive tree is one of the most popular and well-known trees in the world, especially in Europe and the Iberian Peninsula. It’s a symbol of peace in some societies and can live for hundreds of years; besides this is the tree that produces olive (olive in some countries) which is an excellent and very […]

Olive or wild olive? His qualities and differences

¿Olivo o acebuche Sus cualidades y diferencias

The wild olive is a shrub found in the family of olive trees, is very similar and often tend to be confused by people. It’s a common shrub in Mediterranean soil. Knowing a little more about the wild olive it could be easier to differentiate and thus know if what you visualize is a wild […]

Perfect plants to accompany your Macrobonsai Centennial Olive

Plantas perfectas para acompañar tu Macrobonsai Centenario de Olivo

Macrobonsai centennial olive is a shrub that requires special care and different compared to other variety of shrubs and plants, although it’s easy to care and survives by itself to any climate change through the years; few care such as watering and proper pruning help growth and strength. That is why we must take into […]

Centennial olive tree: its watering and care through youth

Olivo centenario su regado y cuidado durante la juventud

Having a centennial olive tree at home can be a pleasant experience and also something that will give to your garden a different and beautiful environment that certainly any notice. The centennial olive trees are trees that thanks to its virtues and the special quality of the evergreen, live for hundreds of years without any […]

Macrobonsai centennial olive tree: qualities and characteristics

Macrobonsai centenario de olivo; Cualidades y características.

The centennial olive is Greek origin and of archaic provenance, appreciated for their feature logos and popular for their unique beauty, even considered a symbol of peace and love in some parts of the world. Those are commonly found in Mediterranean soil where the climate is warmer naturally, being these slow and ideal for decorating […]

Macrobonsai: Buy Olive trees have never been easier

Macrobonsai; Comprar olivos nunca fue tan fácil

In Macrobonsai we offer olive bonsai pruning patented and highly experienced in caring for bonsai. Our main product, bonsai olive tree: heritage of the Mediterranean transformed into art, with care and respect that deserve these magnificent plants, in our hands is high quality for an unbeatable over. Bonsai olive tree with Macrobonsai With different sizes […]