Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

                Centennial olive trees are formidable trees that easily have taken hundreds of years for their slow growth been undoubtedly a heritage of longevity and are truly respected for two reasons: They are really beautiful trees of rustic and elegant aspect and they produce the fruits were the delicious olive oil is obtained, one of the most used ingredients of the Mediterranean gastronomy. You can acquire today one of these beautiful trees to integrate it in your garden without having to wait so many years for its benefits.

A tree capable of resisting millennia

It is said that some of the olive trees are the oldest living beings or plants living on the surface of the earth, these trees are really robust and can withstand long and difficult periods without giving up on life and they are conditioned for hot climates with high amounts of sunlight so they can resist well long periods of drought. This means that when you buy a centenary olive tree you are not only acquiring a tree that is hundreds of years old  but you are also getting a tree that is capable of resist generations and could be able of your great grandson.

A decorative and healthy tree

With the years there started to form the belief that the older the olive tree is, the more delicious the oil obtained from this is however there are not scientific investigations that confirms this but the art of cultivate and olive tree is certainly really relaxing and comforting specially if you transform the olive into oil. This beautiful and rustic tree is a durable decoration that in exchange of minimal care from month to month, gives you centuries of company leaving even a legacy of years right in your garden.