Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

Have and see grow a bonsai at home is an interesting experience, much more if we take care of it ourselves; as it is an activity that promotes the spirit because it requires creativity, patience and perseverance to be an exercise that lasts several years and this is the challenge: raising a bonsai at home.

To perform this exercise, we can follow five tips for raising a bonsai at home, but if we are fans growing plants always help our instinct. After choosing the plant we want to raise a bonsai at home must be based with the following:

Fertilize the Bonsai

This task must be performed frequently as at the plant being in a small pot; this one quickly consumes the nutrients it needs for its own development. There are specific fertilizers for bonsai, solid and liquid form. Solid fertilizers for bonsai are placed on the substrate and last longer and liquid fertilizers for bonsai are used with low irrigation water spray or placed on the plate upon which the container is disposed. The choice of the type of fertilizer depends on the choice to make it a bonsai plant and product directions; as well as the climate of the region where it lives.

Cut the roots of the Bonsai

It’s fundamental. Not only to obtain the desired size, but to aid in their growth and development. Like any plant, they have thin and short roots, to get the nutrients of the substrate and a long thick for anchoring and also get nutrients and water, when they run on the surface. Prune the roots of Bonsai promote and strengthen its growth and development and should be done at the beginning of spring each year. Tools for cutting, knives or scissors should have good edge to not hurt the plant and take care when doing oblique cut.

Watering Bonsai

Water the plant should be in the proportions and timely and this is where reigns the importance of intuitive level, because the plant needs water when the substrate surface is dry. Irrigation can be done by sprinkling, if the foliage of the plant permits or put water directly on the plate where the pot sits.

Bonsai wiring trunk

This is the technique that allows to precisely the characteristic shape of the chosen to raise a bonsai plant at home. It should be performed in parallel with the pruning of the roots of bonsai and involves the orientation and shape to be obtained; so it’s made with fine wire and a certain pressure is placed around the trunk or branches to the desired shape. It should be done carefully and remove the wires when the tree has obtained the sought style.

Bonsai transplant

The transplant is performed every two or three years to change the current pot by a wider, in order to give more support to the selected plant, because although it looks small, has already reached adulthood. This change must be done carefully so that the roots are not harmed and can continue its natural development.