Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

If you like gardening and you like bonsai or you want to get started in the cultivation of these small trees, there are certain things you should know to have guaranteed success in their care. Although it is not an easy task to learn the ancient art of caring for these small trees, there are some basic concepts to grow a bonsai correctly so that it develops and stays alive as long as possible.

Irrigation: it is the most important factor of all and the one in which the most mistakes are usually made. The bonsai needs water regularly and it tells you when it needs it as it will have dry ground when it needs water again, therefore, touch the ground to see if you should water it. Never let the ground be completely dry. Although in winter they do not need so much watering, you should not neglect it.

Compost: it is the food of bonsai and therefore it is very important that you give it the nutrients it needs, so make sure you buy a compost suitable for these small trees.In the compost there are three key elements: nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus . Make sure these nutrients are not lacking in your bonsai when it needs them.

The species: as in nature there are different species of bonsai, each one of them has different characteristics and, therefore, require very specific care. Get advice on the characteristics and needs of the bonsai species before choosing a specific one and choose the one that best suits your lifestyle.

The time of year: bonsai require much more care in the seasons that favor their growth than, for example, in winter. Although this depends on the species of the tree, since there are some like the tropical ones that require care throughout the year. In winter you should be more careful with the cultivation of your bonsai and avoid some things that can be a strain, such as transplants.

Temperature: tropical species grow best in hot climates or with high temperatures, while other species require periods of cold. For this reason, it is vital that you inform yourself about the species you acquire.

Pests and diseases: like any plant they require phytosanitary treatments. There are some very common pests that you should know how to identify and eradicate.

Pruning and wiring: keep in mind that these are miniature trees and, therefore, they must be pruned from time to time, just like large trees. Wiring allows you to shape and style bonsai and is a technique that requires great care as the tree can be damaged.

The substrate or soil: like any tree, bonsai depends on its roots to live, so we must provide the nutrients and water they need to be healthy. The soil must be porous and well drained to avoid puddles. You can make the substrate yourself or buy it already made.