Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

You’ve probably heard of people pouring coffee on plants or in the garden.

Perhaps they have even explained to you that coffee is good for plants and soil, but … is that true? We know that coffee can benefit humans in many ways, as long as it is consumed moderately, but what about the animal and plant kingdom? Because we cannot forget that within the earth there are small creatures necessary to heal and oxygenate it, such as worms.

Is coffee good for them too? Or on the other hand, all those who pour coffee on their plants make mistakes and are gradually damaging these living beings?

Coffee as fertilizer for the garden

Coffee is still a natural ingredient, so it is not surprising that it is often used as compost or compost for plants. In fact, there are three main ways to fertilize the soil with coffee:
• Using the coffee grounds.
• Using liquid coffee.
• Mixing compost with coffee.

Benefits of coffee for plants
This is because coffee has the following effects on soil and plants:
• Enrich the soil: regularly using coffee on the soil will help you avoid having to add compost, as it will be more naturally fertilized. In addition, coffee contains large amounts of nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
• Feed the worms: these earthworms love coffee, so in small amounts (that is, a small glass of coffee a week) it will feed and strengthen them, with which you will notice a great impact on your garden, since worms are essential for the earth to contain all its nutrients and to oxygenate. Of course, do not add more coffee than established, since otherwise the worms could not digest it and they would end up dying. If your garden does not have worms, you can buy them in different stores.