Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

Without a doubt, April is one of the busiest months when it comes to gardening. A month in which we will have to dedicate a lot of time and attention, since to the onslaught of the cold and its consequences we have to add that the increase in temperatures together with the rain make this month one of constant renewal.

Or, what is the same, that this tandem of factors (water and sun) makes nature prone to grow uncontrollably (both with regard to our flowers and plants, as well as weeds and pests) .

1. Review of plants, shrubs and trees both indoors and outdoors

The most common thing is that, at this time, the heat from the different types of heating has dried out and even damaged the indoor plants. A good reason to do a little pruning at the tips of the leaves to help revitalize them. It also doesn’t hurt that we take advantage of this month to change the substrate (betting, according to the specific needs of each plant, for one rich in nutrients) or even transplant before flowering begins. And, despite the winter lethargy, this month we will have to start watering normally again.

And if indoor watering is important, it is also important for outdoor plants (which will have already begun to stretch from the cold). However, a word of advice: let’s not trust ourselves as it is still possible for some night frost to occur (so, in case of having outdoor plants that suffer from low temperatures, the ideal is that we continue to have them protected until the temperature stabilizes). And if the cold should not make us lower our guard, neither should the heat: remember that spring is the time to awaken also the pests of the garden, so it will be important to observe our plants and stop any attack from the beginning.

3.Resume mowing the lawn

The lawn has wintered out in the open and, if at the beginning of the season we did the appropriate duties properly, it will only need a slight maintenance. We refer, fundamentally, to the fact that during this month we will have to begin to eliminate the weeds that will have proliferated in the cold months (remember: always at the roots) before carrying out any mowing work. In this way, we will be guaranteeing that when we harvest what we want to eradicate from the garden is not strengthened; and, in case that uprooting them generates empty spaces of grass, we will have to consider replanting so that everything has a uniformity.

For this first spring mowing, the ideal is to choose a time of day in which there is no trace of the dew of the night. In this way, we can make a high cut without damaging the blades. Since the April temperature is still unstable, we can leave the cut grass on the lawn for mulch. In this way, it will protect the roots of the grass and serve as a first fertilizer, although it will not replace the fertilizer that (yes or yes) we have to add to the lawn (and that we recommend that, like this Compo lawn fertilizer, it is linked to a herbicidal treatment that helps us eradicate weeds without burning it).

3.Check or install the irrigation system

As we mentioned before, irrigation returns to the garden and our plants gradually. Therefore, April is an ideal month to check if our irrigation system is working properly. It is important to remember that, on many occasions, the hoses of irrigation systems can crack in frost. Something that will generate water leaks and, therefore, that our irrigation is ineffective (as well as not very sustainable and much more expensive). Due to this and to anticipate any problem in the months of more irrigation, taking advantage of this month to review our installation is essential.

If we do not have an irrigation system installed, this month is also the ideal one for us to consider having one. A perfect way to anticipate the summer and all its consequences (which are, among others, take the displeasure of seeing how our plants have been damaged by the heat when we return from vacation). To do this, there is nothing like knowing which is the appropriate irrigation system for the characteristics of our garden and start planning to have it before the hottest months arrive.

4. Replant

And, in addition to reviewing the plants we already have outdoors, April is also the time to plant again. A section in which the opportunities that outdoor plants offer us suppose a huge range of options, colors, shapes and needs to respond to whatever our taste is. Difficult to choose from so much variety!

In addition, we must not forget the bulbs that are planted in April and bloom in spring (Lilies, Dahlias or Peonies among a huge variety). To be able to enjoy its variety of shapes and styles even more, a tip: nothing like choosing summer bulbs that bloom at different times in the coming months. A guarantee of constantly having flowers and constantly renewing the look of our garden!

And you, what other gardening tasks do you carry out in April? Share your experience with us by leaving a comment!