Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

If you love having your balcony or terrace full of plants and you consider that taking care of them is almost therapeutic, you will surely be interested in knowing the best ways to keep them beautiful and make them grow in a healthy way.

Before using any homemade idea to fertilize the plants, remember that the soil must be damp before carrying out the process, so water them before fertilizing them.

If you like to eat eggs, we have good news for you: not only are they a great source of protein but also their shell is a great ally to nourish your plants. Break the shells a little and place them on the ground, you can also give them away from time to time with the water in which you have cooked the eggs.

Vegetable fans should know that all the nutrients and vitamins that our body receives when we consume them can also be beneficial for plants, so it is convenient to save the water in which we boil them to give them away. That does remember that it should not have salt or spices.

Old nails are also a great homemade product to fertilize your plants. Instead of leaving them there, bury them in with your plants and you will see how their iron contribution makes them look much more beautiful.

Those who have fish as pets can reuse the water they take out when cleaning the fish tank to water the plants, as it contains organic waste that is very useful and that will make your plants in better condition.

Take advantage of these resources and help your plants grow stronger and healthier.