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Many of the organic fertilizers have the advantage of low production costs and easy processing. Next, from unCOMO, we present several types of homemade organic fertilizer that you can easily prepare. Liquid organic fertilizer, organic fertilizer in pellets and organic organic fertilizer that will nourish your crops to the maximum.

Organic Manure Fertilizer

Animal manure is the most common of home manures. The faeces of horses, reces and birds are rich in nutrients to optimize crops, so it is enough to let the faeces compost and decompose slowly to reuse them.

Banana tea

For potassium-deficient plants, there is nothing better than banana tea. This liquid organic fertilizer is obtained by boiling chopped banana peels in a liter of water for 10 minutes. Then you just have to strain the infusion and add two more liters of cold water … you will have the tea ready to water your plants!

Vegetable waste
A magnificent and most sustainable option is to reuse all the vegetables that you have not used in your crops. How? Well, you just have to bury them in the ground. Thanks to the nutrients released by vegetables, their decomposition will enrich the soil.

Rooting for plants

Rooting for cuttings works as biostimulants to facilitate root growth. Roots are obtained after leaving in water for several hours (three to five) coffee beans, cinnamon, wheat seeds, willow branches or lentils. The idea is to use the liquid from the treated grains and seeds to water the plants, providing the roots with natural nutrients that favor and speed up their development.

Egg shells for plants
Use the eggshells, in pieces or pulverized, to protect the roots of your plants from the attack of snails and caterpillars. You just have to make sure to wash them well before placing them on the plantations and, once decontaminated, let them add calcium to the vegetables of your crop.

Composting with cut grass

All pruned grass is a source of organic nutrients, so keep it well to nourish your crops to the maximum. To take advantage of the grass pieces you cut, fill a large container (about 20 liters) with cut grass remains, add plenty of water and let the mixture sit for a couple of days. Then, apply the compound on the base of the plants, always before carrying out the common irrigation.

Compost with coffee grounds
If you do not know what to do with all the waste from your coffee maker, at unCOMO we recommend that you accumulate it. Pour them into a container with water and let them stand for two or three days to obtain an acidic liquid organic fertilizer (or liquid fertilizer), very rich in substrates and nitrogen.

Remains of hair

Did you know that human and animal hair could be a great ecological fertilizer? It may sound strange to you, but the truth is that if you want to find a cheap and efficient homemade organic fertilizer, the hair of animals and people can be a very good option. This is because the hair is rich in nitrogen, so you can mix it with soil and add it directly to the crops, near the roots of the plants.

Vinegar for fertilizer
For plants that require acidic soils (like hydrangeas and camellias, for example), vinegar can be of great help. The acetic acid necessary for the correct development of the crop will be obtained in an ideal way when mixing a spoon of vinegar with 10 liters of water. The recommended irrigation with this liquid organic fertilizer is every three months.

Planting lavender works as an ideal organic fertilizer, as this plant attracts a significant number of pollinating insects. As you already know, the more flowers pollinated, the better health your garden and / or garden will have, so take advantage of lavender to give more life to your plants.