Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

While it is true that olive trees are very resistant to the worst conditions of the ground, these require a series of care to avoid damage. Taking into account some recommendations to care for an olive tree ensures its maintenance over the years and its longevity.

Types of pruning

The pruning of the olive tree is divided into three types: training pruning is done to give it shape and to avoid that some branches tend to hang or become entangled with others, it is important to take into account that the natural direction of the branches should not be forced.

The production pruning is done to clean the tree, that is, it is done to eliminate dry and non-productive branches to obtain other young branches with higher production. To care for an olive tree, rejuvenation pruning is done mostly when the olive tree has few new shoots of leaves, if the leaves have a dull color and their flowering is very scarce.

Watering to care for an olive tree

In relation to irrigation it is important to take into account the type of drainage that the land possesses, the time of year since the tree does not have the same needs at all times, in turn it is important to take into account that the amount of water in the irrigation also depends on the size of the olive tree. The olive tree is a plant that does not require much water.

On the other hand, in the case of potted olive trees, a series of recommendations must be followed to take care of it and keep it in perfect condition. These recommendations to care for an olive tree start with avoiding the cold since they are trees with a dry and hot climate, you must nourish the earth with organic or inorganic fertilizer according to the plant’s requirements, it is also important to choose a clay pot since these containers are porous and this allows adequate aeration of the substrate and perform a moderate irrigation.