Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

The olive tree is an evergreen tree that, in addition, is especially resistant to relatively adverse weather conditions, although special attention should be paid in winter.

The olive tree is an evergreen tree that, in addition, is especially resistant to relatively adverse weather conditions especially extreme heat or droughts.

Hence, it is a very long-lived species and highly valued for the different species that exist and for its fruit, the olive, from which one of the most important products in Spain, oil, is manufactured. But what are the cares that must be taken, especially in winter, to ensure their durability?

Cold sensitive

The olive tree is a species that does not usually withstand too low temperatures. However, there are species such as blanqueta, hojiblanca or corniblanca that can withstand medium frost thanks to its adaptation to the Mediterranean climate.

Likewise, and to better protect them from the cold, it is recommended to plant the youngest olive trees in sheltered areas and protect the roots by applying the soil padding technique that consists of covering it with organic materials that, in addition, provide nutrients as they decompose.

Control excess water
Being a fundamentally dry land species, it is necessary to make the natural irrigation that occurs with the rain compatible with that provided by the different systems that exist. In winter it is recommended to space them more than in spring and summer and to make them drip to avoid a soil flooding.
Remember the collection and pruning dates:
The harvesting of the olives is usually carried out between September and October if you want to take advantage of the fruit to make table olives, and between December and January if they will be used to make oil. Thus, February is the month in which you have to prune the olive trees, just after fruiting. A maintenance pruning should be carried out in which both dry and crossed branches are removed or those that sprout directly from the trunk or root.
Keep it paid:
The olive grows well in virtually any type of soil, although it is especially productive in alkaline limestone soils. However, it should be paid at the beginning of spring, just when temperatures begin to rise slightly, spreading manure or compost in the outer layer of the soil.