Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

Creating Bonsai forest requires an odd number of trees, probably started with the Penjin, recreations of the nature of bonsai in the Chinese style, the Japanese took this technique polished, simplified and applied their characteristic rigor, resulting in beautiful specimens that Seek to match the forests found in nature.

How to Create Bonsai forest

Bonsai forest is complex because we have to work on different trees in order to make all trees form a harmonious whole. To achieve this effect we have to visualize each tree by itself, but not to hinder the development of the whole.

First, the appropriate plants must be selected. A group plantation should present trees of different sizes a few that are tall to be placed in the middle and several small ones that will be planted to the sides. Use trees whose growth is primarily directed upwards, as the composition will not look natural if trees of various shapes are used. The number of trees to use depends entirely on you.

Selecting the right pot is very important. Choose a large and very shallow pot; Take into account the usual guidelines for deciding the color of the pot.

Use a substrate mixture consisting of Akadama, fine gravel and mixed organic matter in a ratio of ½ to ¼ to ¼.

Like all bonsai forest have a front and also a dominant tree, To create a front first we must select our dominant tree and then from it, go build the forest around it, without this tree being overshadowed by its close. Not necessarily the dominant tree should be in the center of the forest, it may be on one side, or slightly to the right or left.

The mind acts associatively with objects so if we make a forest with 4 trees, the mind unconsciously groups them in two groups of 2 trees, removing unity to the whole, consequently dividing the forest, for this reason is that all Bonsai forest must be done with odd numbers.

Going into the design of the forest this can be adapted to what your imagination is ready to create, you can do it on slabs, create roads, ruins or just let the trees are the only attraction. The location of the branches of each tree should be in harmony with those of its neighbor, just as a bonsai cannot exist one branch over another, since the lower one would not receive enough light, so you must always be careful that Each branch has its space in the set, this can be complex in very large forests, but it is a crucial point to achieve the transcendence of bonsai.