Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

Good drainage is synonymous with a well-kept garden. That a soil correctly evacuates the water accumulated by the rain or the risk is fundamental so that the plants are in good condition. Otherwise, they will be spoiled, with the consequent loss not only aesthetic, but also economic. Measures to take into account to improve  can be from the simplest to the most complicated. Dedicating an afternoon to this task or several weekends will depend on the ground of the garden. What is certain is that, after correcting the deficiencies, your plants will thank you.

How to Improve Garden drainage

The use of drainage pipes is a widely used system in which it is necessary to improve a drainage that is in a critical situation. A widely used arrangement is the market spine system, where secondary branches collect water from almost the entire plot to the main pipe. The main pipes can lead to an area where the drainage is better or in a kind of drain that is built manually.

In case the drainage is excessive, it is a sign that the soil is very sandy and it is necessary to compact it a little. A little clay can be added to the soil. You can also create a water retention structure so that it does not leak so fast. In excessive drainage soils irrigation should be more common, especially in times of heat, which means a hassle in expenditure and dedication.

In the case of low drainage soils, the reasons can be many, but the most common are clay soil, which is improved with organic matter in the soil, or soil too compact. The ground is compacted by the constant bustle in the garden and by the rains that move the terrain. This is solved by puncturing and removing the soil from time to time. Twice a year will suffice. A rake, a shovel or a punch are the necessary tools.