Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

We all know that vegetables are always tastier if we grow them ourselves, at the same time, they tend to be cheaper than if we buy them in any establishment.

In this way, making a vegetable garden in the home garden can be a great idea with which we can also spend entertaining moments and with the family, since our children can also collaborate.

We just need a large enough sunny space, some tools to prepare the ground and plant the vegetables and water regularly.

We must choose a place that receives sun most of the day.

A space must be considered to be able to step on and circulate without damaging the plantation. If we have pets in the garden, it does not hurt to enclose the space for the garden so that they do not curse it.

We will prepare the land to aerate it, and with the help of a hoe and a rake we will clean it of possible weeds, stones, etc.

A layer of 2 to 10 cm of compost and reinforced leaf soil is added, depending on the quality of the soil. You can also add some manure, but we must bear in mind that it gives off a strong smell and attracts flies or other insects.
Once the soil is prepared, we can start planting the vegetables we choose, either through seeds or seedlings.

We must always take into account the distance that it is necessary to maintain between some plants and others, so that they can grow without problem.