Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

We present an original way to have a garden at home. It’s about using water gutters to plant your vegetables. Thus, you can, in addition to collecting its fruits, give a new aesthetic to the Macrobonsai garden of your home with this original hanging garden.

To get started with creating this garden, you will need a few gutters. Think that they should be proportional to the space you have. An excess of them can make you have an excessively overloaded garden.

Next, you must fix them to the wall of your garden. Select the best method for this, taking into account the materials and the type of bindings you can use.

The next step to make this garden hanging on the wall is to place the soil, compost and sow the seeds.

It is important that you follow the recommendations of the seed manufacturer; as it will indicate the best time for planting, the specific characteristics of each vegetable and its specific needs.