Sustainability is something that is the order of the day, and if we can collaborate, what less than to help the planet by turning some small habits into healthier activities for our future. For example, if we have an urban garden, the steps to make it ecological are few and easy, so being a little more sustainable will cost us practically no effort.
Sow organic seeds instead of traditional seeds, since the former have been produced according to the regulations of organic farming, without using harmful substances.
In addition, they are not seeds that come from transgenic foods, so with the sowing of this type of seeds in our garden, we produce crops that are as natural as possible that respect both the earth and our health.
Use of ecological treatments that do not use synthetic chemical substances, when our plants have pests or diseases.
Use of organic fertilizers and compost, such as manure, straw or compost.
Animal life is beneficial, so if we decide not to use conventional treatments, another option that exists to eliminate pests is predatory animals, who will end up with the insects that attack us. For example frogs, toads, centipedes, etc. There are also other animals such as worms that will help aerate our soil and fill it with nutrients.