Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

The olive tree is a tree capable of adapting to different types of weather, however, it is necessary to follow a series of recommendations for its care and be able to resist climate changes as strong as a storm.

To protect olive trees

It is important to take into account that there are currently no action groups or campaigns to help protect olive trees and the permanence of these trees, which is why most of these specimens are found in specialized fields or nurseries; For this reason, most olive trees grow in areas where climate changes are most affected.

To protect olive trees from the climate different forms are applied according to the intensity of the storm because if it is mild it is not necessary to take as many forecasts as they have strong trunks, branches and leaves that can resist this type of climate without any difficulty, it happens otherwise, the storms are strong gusts because they tend to defoliate or detach them from the ground easily if the forecasts are not taken or if they were badly planted.


The best way to protect olive trees from a storm and another type of climate phenomenon is to act with premeditation, that is, all climatic, soil, regional, and drainage factors, among others, that may influence the deterioration of the climate, should be taken into account. The olive trees in order to study and choose a strategic site that can protect the specimen or the specimens of the different climatic changes.

When talking about olive trees in captivity the best way or the right way to protect olive trees  is to cover them with any type of canvas and if they are small specimens of gardens that have not yet been planted they should be grouped in some corner or sheltered in homes or other stable and strong places while this phenomenon happens.