Despite needing different care depending on the type, all plants require basic care to grow and stay in good health. Those who have plants at home should take it as a responsibility, because, otherwise, in a short time they will deteriorate and enter a critical situation, even dying. Sometimes it is inevitable that the plant dies and in others it is possible to act in time, so it is important to know some ways to recover it, because luckily most plants can recover if you act quickly and correctly.
In the case of orchids, which are one of the most common flowering plants in homes and, at the same time, they can be somewhat delicate to care for if we do not know their needs very well, they can suffer from a variety of conditions, dry out due to lack of water or too much sunlight, drowning because we spend watering them, run out of leaves, have pests or diseases, etc.
What to do when an orchid is drying
Recovering a dried orchid is possible without many problems, unless it is almost completely dry and for a long time, in which case it will be much more difficult to achieve it although it will not always be impossible. Take note of these tips on how to revive a dried orchid:
• Start by removing the leaves and / or sticks (stems) that you see are completely dry.
• You should bear in mind that this plant needs watering once a week when the weather is mild and without heavy rains, giving it time for the water to drain completely between watering and watering. If you do not comply with this frequency, you may end up drying out, especially in the warmer months of the year.
• If the orchid has entered this critical situation, you have to water it urgently. Make sure that all the substrate is wet and that you see all its green roots, instead of white because that is when they are dry. Let it drain as needed before putting your pot back in the stand or decorative pot, this will prevent water from being trapped and the roots from puddling.
• Once you have watered the orchid, recreate the environment it needs. That is, it provides moisture to the plant by spraying water on its leaves. In this way, it will be in much more favorable environmental conditions and the leaves will be able to do the photosynthesis process more easily. Of course, do not pour water on its leaves if it is in direct sunlight, better do it in a shady area or inside the house and wait for them to dry to put it back in a sunny area, either on the window or in Exterior. If the sun hits the wet leaves, they will burn.