When select plants and flowers to be grown in the garden, all are beautiful and colorful, what should be taken into account are the factors that will allow plants to grow without complications that make them sick.

All the regions present special climatic conditions that make that different types of plants can be cultivated without major preoccupations. Each species needs different types of light, space and conditions such as garden orientation, humidity and wind, should also take into account the care that each plant species in the garden needs.

How to select plants and flowers for the garden

  • Do not select many types of plants, this will make it difficult to grow them, several plants will make a spectacular contrast.
  • Defines two or three colors of flowers for the garden, the warm colors give the garden a cozy appearance and the cool colors give the feeling of a larger garden.
  • Create focal points that center the garden view, use visual elements such as pots and architecture to develop it.
  • Size of plants is important, select plants of similar sizes and locate larger plants behind smaller plants.
  • Take into account the climate that prevails in the region, according to this you will select plants suitable for that climate, so they will live longer without complications.
  • Soil type is essential for plant growth; in addition, by means of roots, plants obtain nutrients from the soil that make them grow and protect from disease, plants should be selected taking these soil conditions into account and while The more they resemble each other in terms of breeding conditions, the easier it will be to grow them.
  • Irrigation plays an important role and plants grown in the same soil receive the same amount of water, so this factor must be taken into account.

If you plan the garden based on these care and the weather conditions of each region, cultivation and care will not be difficult and the garden will look beautiful every day.