Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

Giant bonsai or olive bonsai are beautiful trees that look like classic miniature bonsai, these plants are ideal to be planted in warm and sunny climates, their slow growth rate and small roots make them very durable trees capable of withstanding really hard seasons of drought.

Being a tree used ornamentally in most of the cases, it must be done maintenance from time to time by properly trimming it to give aesthetic forms to the groups of leaves every month approximately as well of other basic cares like irrigation at least once a week and change of fertilizer at least once each 3 months, in this case we will make special focus on the process of trimming these giant bonsai.

Tool for trimming a giant bonsai

Generally for this work it is required a lot of physical strength because it is a task that is performed using an electric saw and this tool needs a lot of control and ability specially because it will be handled to shape the leaves of the giant bonsai and it requires skill for being properly handled avoiding serious risks. A ladder with good support is also needed to reach the highest branches. As for the leaves, depending on the season, they can release a thin dust when they are cut so it is recommended to use mask or some protection to avoid this exposure.

Cutting stiles for a giant bonsai

The most popular style for this giant bonsais is to prune the leaves in forms of medium spheres placed at different heights taking advantage of the twisted trunk and the branches to be able to form different levels of well-defined spheres. Another form that requires much more skill is to cur the leaves in disk shapes or flattened ovals at different height.