Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

Watering the plants during the autumn is a task that must be done with great care since if it is not done in the right way the plants could become sick. Even if the temperatures go down and the rains come, you should not neglect the watering of the plants as this is the best season for some of them. If we have a land, the land stays wet longer and the rains make it possible to water every week or every ten days. However, in the case of pots, irrigation should be maintained at least every five days and perhaps every four days if small pots are involved. Only in the middle of winter can be reduced irrigation to one day a week, as long as there is not much sun.

How to water plants during the autumn

During the autumn, we must spend time in irrigation. Normally a garden would need a moderate watering about twice a week. If in the area where you live the rain is fairly regular, you do not need to water the garden then.

If there is no rain or a fairly dry fall, water the garden every 3 days.

If you also have flower plants in the garden, try not to wet the foliage or flowers.

If you have installed drip irrigation, do not forget to regulate the programmer to reduce it and water less.

If you have potted plants in your home you should be careful and observe that, at the bottom, the drainage is not obstructed so that water will not accumulate as it would be harmful to them and would be more vulnerable to fungi. If it is, unfasten it with the aid of a toothpick that you will get through the holes of the drainage by moving it until it is clear that it has been unclogged.

If the pots have them in the interior of the house, watch that the heating does not dry them. In that case, we would have to irrigate them more frequently than the ones we have abroad