Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

Having a garden in the backyard should not be a big expense if one has a little imagination when designing the garden. There are many elements that can help people create a picturesque and attractive garden without the need to spend a large sum of money, using only items easy to get and in inexpensive way.

The gardens can be represented in any manner and with all kinds of elements; the most important thing is always to mix all the elements so they appear united with one another.

Some ideas to create economic gardens

You can get elements that organize and decorate the garden at flea markets. These markets has for sale these objects, consisting of tools and materials prone to creative and ecological use by low prices.

Using cement blocks to create small pots is a way to save and create attractive spaces in the garden; also concrete blocks can be used to create furniture for rest.

Recycled wood tables are perfect for gardens. With them you can create furniture, chairs and even vertical walls for plants and flowers or vines. Simple and open headlights lights placed in the darkest areas at night, give the necessary garden lighting, with a friendly tone and at the same time functional.

The stones are fundamental elements in the gardens and the best that can be achieved at no cost; only with approaching a river and stones select desired function, for example: small stones can skirt the plants coming out of garden soil and other soils serve to create separate lawn. At the same time, larger stones can be used to create mixed with dirt roads below, which give an attractive at an economic cost to the garden.

The selection of plants and flowers should be based on the type of climate in the region. Select the right will allow maintenance and care easier plants; In addition, these plants usually last longer if they are seasonal and allow adaptation of any material reason for the garden, they are characterized in landscaped to provide a specific visual.