Not all macrobonsáis are suitable for the interior of our home. So, if we are thinking of acquiring or giving a bonsai specimen to decorate a home, we must first inform ourselves about the varieties that adapt to these conditions and the way in which we must care for them.

Ficus Retusa
Some of the bonsai species that grow best indoors are:
Ficus retusa, benjamina, panda, nerifolia and compact.
- Carmona microphylla.
- Murraya paniculata.
- Sageretia teezans.
- Serissa Phoetida.
- Ligustrum sp.
Once the bonsai has been acquired, we must be careful about where to place it because the temperature that our specimen receives will depend on it. If it is a plant of tropical origin, the interior of the house is an ideal space in which to develop, since the temperature does not vary from morning to night. And it does not suffer great variations between winter and summer either.

Murraya paniculata
Another important factor is the amount of light that our bonsai will receive. In this sense, it is important that the plant is not placed near the window, since the magnifying glass effect (which results from the concentration of the sun’s rays on the glass) can burn the leaves of the plants and end up damaging the entire tree. . If we are still forced to place it near the window, we must try to place a curtain that is not too thick.

Ligustrum sp
The best windows are the ones that face south or east. Well, these windows are the ones that receive the greatest number of hours of sun at the end of the day.
The bonsai must receive a minimum of four hours a day of light, so we must also study this factor when placing it in one space or another. Thus, if we are going to be absent from our home, we must leave the blinds up, even when the day threatens rain.
It is important that, inside the houses, the plants are rotated 180 degrees once every fifteen days. In this way we will be ensuring that all parts of the plant receive the same amount of light.

Sageretia Teezans
It is also important that we keep a certain degree of humidity constant. Especially when the bonsai room is heated or air-conditioned. This causes the leaves to dry out even though they are well watered and to generate new ones. That is, we will see how the leaves of our tree fall, but we must not put our hands on our heads.
To avoid this possible drying out, it is advisable to spray the leaves with water several times a day or place a tray with wet gravel under the pots. You can also buy humidifiers or fountains that recycle water. Placing them close to the plant will provide them with constant humidity.