Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

A garden plant must have the perfect balance between strength and beauty, where the plant resistance plays a crucial factor because it determines the level of care that we must make to it. Then there is the factor most: the beauty of the plants; however, as it is known, the more beautiful a flower is more delicate.

Decorative bushes

Shrubs are the green component of the gardens; those are perfect to add that such an iconic nature tone.

The oleander is a beautiful, very hardy, adaptable to the vast majority of aromatic shrub climates and requires little maintenance. This has some beautiful flowers with a wide range of shades of pink.

Rockrose, also called rock, is a type of shrub of Mediterranean origin that is well suited to warm climates. It’s a plant which has white, very elegant flowers; also it requires little maintenance due to its origin coastal climates.

Meanwhile Erica carnea has a bright pink flowers which make a good color contrast in garden design, it has dark green leaves. The plant extends up to 60 centimeters high.

Garden flowers

The bushes are quite beautiful plants that give life to modern gardens but are flowers that underlie the finishing touch. These include:

The Orchid. One of the most beautiful and thanks to its tropical origin flowers is highly adaptable to climates, longevity makes it a faithful companion, getting to live up to 60 years; their care is very low.

The Carnation. A very fragrant flower; is perfect for flower gardens requiring both beauty and a sweet aroma garden, also it has little maintenance and come in different colors, from red to yellow and even purple.