Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

We are going to show you some of the techniques to protect your plants and to avoid the cold as much as possible, that your most delicate plants notice the cold and can continue to grow normally as soon as the sun is seen in spring and its solar rays can touch the earth with more force.

Tips that are very easy to carry out and that will not take us long with Macrobonsi’s advice

First method: plastic containers

Plastic containers, such as bottles, are great as a mini-greenhouse, since in addition to protecting the plant from the cold, it makes the bottle a few degrees higher than outside. In addition, it maintains humidity, something great when it comes to protecting plants that need high humidity. I recommend making small holes in the bottle, or uncovering the plant on warmer days or times. This will prevent the mushrooms from having time to appear. We can also add a little fungicide to prevent.
It is a method that can be used when you have few delicate plants, but also in cases of early germination, that is, to protect seeds or seedlings that have germinated before their time.

Second method: greenhouses for horticultural plants

If we have horticultural plants planted and we want to protect them from frost, then we can make use of special greenhouses for gardens. This type of greenhouse is attached to the ground, and prevents the plants from being damaged by frost or cold.
In addition, it will also help us prevent leaf eaters from eating them.

Third method: thermal blanket

It is a very effective method when it comes to protecting trees, whether in pots or in the ground. The thermal blanket is made in such a way to prevent the plant from feeling the cold. It would be the equivalent of a coat.
They are very economical, they hardly weigh anything, and they can be cut to the size we need.

These three methods will help your plants to pass the winter as well as possible. For more recommendations, consult our website macrobonsai.com.