Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

When we talk about pruning of bonsai formation, we generally refer to the first pruning that must be done to a pre-bonsai to lay the foundation for the design of our future bonsai. It is a pruning in which we exclude the thick branches, branches that are not part of our design.

Before starting with this pruning you must be clear about what our design and our front will do, we should take the time to ponder what our possibilities are and which of them we will take, since each branch you prune will be irreplaceable, although it is always better in this pruning of bonsai formation leave branches that you are not sure to cut before you repent, it is better to take some time and see how the tree develops, rather than prune a branch that raised doubts.

How to perform the pruning of bonsai formation

We have some techniques to perform the pruning of bonsai formation. One of them is the pruning of maintenance that would be done in already formed specimens and consists of maintaining or improving the design of the bonsai, this type of pruning is done in the branches already designed to control growth and maintain foliage masses. In this type of pruning we highlight the blunting and the defoliation.

At the beginning we are talking about cutting off the shoots of the season, we will always be careful to cut the future growth of the branch, if we cut a branch above a yolk located on the right, the future growth of the branch will be to the right.

In the case of the defoliated, although it is not strictly a pruning, it consists in eliminating altogether or partially the leaves of a bonsai looking among other objectives, to improve the branching, to diminish the size of the leaves and to improve the color autumnal.

The other technique to perform the pruning of bonsai formation is the pruning of the roots, with this we seek to improve the general health of our bonsai pruning the old roots, we potentiate the development of new roots or roots which absorb the nutrients and they are also more Active in the generation of Hormones, this has a very favorable impact on the general health of bonsai.