Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

The pruning of palm should be done in times with temperate temperatures, mainly spring or autumn. Temperatures above 20ºC should always be avoided, which may favor the attack of red weevil, a pest that is causing the death of many palms in southern Europe. Palm trees need to be pruned when we see that they accumulate a large number of dry leaves, approximately every 2 or 3 years, depending on the species and size of the palm.

The palm trees have a regulation system whereby they generate new leaves in the upper part of their crown as the old leaves are dried in the lower part of the crown.

In cold climates, these dry leaves covering the trunk of the palm are a good protection for the cold, but except in these exceptions, it is important to prune the palm trees to keep them beautiful, healthy and clean.

Pruning of palm trees

Low palm trees: If the palm is small, shrub or low, we can prune ourselves. We will cut the dry leaves using a strong and sharp tool. In Spain it is customary to use the Carville. We will also use it to remove diseased leaves. Clusters of fruits can be removed to favor the growth of the palm tree, as well as to prevent them from falling to the ground, although they can also be decorative if left.

What we should not eliminate are the green leaves, since we will break the balance of the palm weakening it, delaying its development and causing a loss in its uptake of nutrients.

Palms of great height: For these cases we must look for professionals specialized in the pruning of palm trees. You need good safety equipment to climb the trunk as well as good cutting tools. Before ascending a palm tree, make sure that it is stable enough, and climb the palm tree by using materials that do not cause wounds to the trunk, wounds that will take a long time to heal, causing serious damage to the palm.

Pruning is done by trimming the dry leaves flush with the trunk, starting from the lower part of the cup and spiraling up. To further lengthen the period until the next pruning, the leaves can be removed semi-dry but it is not advisable to remove green leaves so as not to damage the palm.

Once the pruning is done it is very important to remove the pruning debris. These plant residues can attract harmful pests to both the palm trees and the rest of the garden.